Monday, June 19, 2006

So it's been a while.

I am one of those people who becomes easily fascinated with something and just as easily loses interest. This blog is just one shining example.

There are only a few things in my life that are complex enough to hold my interest. And they are:

1) God

2) My husband

3) Food

I find all these things to be composed of enough variables or to simply have enough depth to keep me interested.

I guess God could go without saying, but I find it especially interesting that the more I read the Bible, the less I feel I know. It's not that I don't feel like I'm gaining basic knowledge, it's just that it seems like as you study more, more layers of the complexity of God are revealed.

My husband is one of only a few people I've ever met who have enough depth to want to get to know and keep knowing. Unfortunately, lots of people I have known can only share so much of themselves before you get bored with them. This may seem harsh, but I think it's true if you consider it. It's not that these people are unimportant, just that either their thoughts are limited by their life experiences or that they just don't take the time to be thoughtful----my favorite trait of my husband.

Food may seem like too shallow of a thing to include in this list, but not for me. I was raised in the South where a person is only as good as their casserole. I love Food. The way it makes people relate to it and one another is unique to me.

I guess I could categorically say that these things are all about relationships, and let's face it---what is more complicated in life and more necessary than that?


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