Sunday, May 20, 2007

I was talking to my Mom on the phone yesterday and a weird thing happened to me. I found myself, at 27, giving my Mom advice. It was one of those moments when you can sense a changing of the guard. I first realized this was true last year when my Mamaw died and I found myself comforting my younger cousins and siblings. I was glad to be able to do it but realized the responsibilities that can sometimes come with age in unexpected ways. I guess the conversation I had with my Mom just reminded me that I am not a kid anymore and that's a bittersweet feeling. No longer can I play with imaginary friends, pitch a lemonade stand, or play the summer away...or can I? I am realizing as I get older that sometimes the things we struggle to achieve as adults to "make" us happy are the very things that don't. We work to make money to better our lives, but we all know people who've slaved over their careers as their lives have passed them by. One of my most important life goals at this point in my life is to have a life. About six months ago, I decided that the misery my job created for me was not worth the stress it provided my husband and I in our lives. I know not everyone has this luxury, but I think I made the atypical choice and decided to change career paths not to make more money, but to be happier. Now that I'm not a kid, I know that sometimes the best adult decisions are made by reverting back to what was important to you when you were a, friends, and time!