Sunday, August 03, 2008

So, I bet you're wondering what topic is blog-worthy enough to bring me back from being over a year blog-free? Twins. Identical Twins. 65-Year Old Identical Twins. My husband and I were eating at Jason's Deli tonight and in the middle of dinner he says, "Turn around NOW." Usually this would mean that he has spotted some wicked facial hair, but not this time-- there were two ladies old enough to be my grandma who were identical twins. Not only did they have the exact same glasses and the exact same haircut, but they had on the exact same black capris with hot pink flamingos around the cuff and hot pink button-up cotton shirts to match.

As we watched them stand in line to order I said to my hubs, "How much do you want to bet they'll order the same thing?" He wasn't game for guessing but something told me they would. Peep this...not only did they order the exact same sandwiches, but also a one-trip salad bar. After they went to fix their salads together, I had an overwhelming urge to see if they built their salads the same way too. I walked waaaay out of my way to pass by their booth and sure enough, their salads were the EXACT SAME. I'm not just talking ingredients, but placement too. Muffins at the same spot, grape salad looking stuff in the same spot...this was an obvious coordinated effort. As much as I was impressed that someone could even make a same-salad as another person, I was way more weirded out.

If any twins out there read this, please don't misunderstand me-- I think you guys are great. I wanted a twin when I was a kid so we could dress the same and wear matching flamingo pants. I just don't get the purposeful attempts by some twins to be so alike. We get it. You look the came from the same zygote. Why must your cherry tomatoes be in the same plate locale as your twin? Live a little. Go for the sprouts instead.